Our Philosophy of education

 Flows from our mission: Serving local churches by shaping faithful men for the gospel ministry through the Word of God.

At Calvary, you’ll acquire the tools, knowledge and experience you need to fulfill your calling in the pastorate, on the mission field, or in a Christian school. Upon graduation, you’ll be equipped for effective, God-honoring ministry.

Here’s what a Calvary education is all about.

Primacy of the New Testament local church. We believe that the local church is God’s ordained instrument of witness and work in this age, we live that philosophy out every day – fully involving our students in the life of the church.

Baptist position. For forty years, Calvary has remained faithful to the historic fundamentals of the Christian faith. Every member of our faculty affirms:

  • The authoritative, inerrant Word of God.
  • The sovereignty of God in salvation
  • The cessation of revelatory gifts for the present age
  • The cause of evangelism and missions
  • Young-earth creationism

We model expository preaching based on exacting study of the Scriptures in the original languages. You’ll see this philosophy in action in class, during chapel and in church services. You’ll gain further confidence and skill as you preach and teach in real-world ministry settings.

Calvary has earned a reputation for strong academics and challenging scholastic requirements. You’ll learn biblical Greek and Hebrew along with principles of exegesis. Plus, you’ll study expository preaching, church history, Baptist history, pastoral theology, and church administration. All of your coursework connects to a unified network of systematic theology.

In the classroom you’ll find a close connection between academics and the practical, pastoral side of the Lord’s work. You’ll be expected and encouraged too:

  • Become more like Christ by reading and memorizing His Word.
  • Passionately preach the Word and evangelize the lost.
  • Minister every week in a local church.

In sum, our philosophy of education will help you pursue God’s unique calling on your life and ministry.