Calvary President

Rev. Chandrashekar

President & Founder

A Praise Note from the President

It gives me great joy and pleasure to write a few lines about the ministry and how the Lord used my wife and me. When we look back these past years of what He has done in and through us I can truly say as in 1 Samuel 7:21. To begin with a brief history of CBBC let me start how the Lord lead us to the city of Mumbai. I was born to godly parents and raised in strict Christian discipline. I trusted Jesus as my saviour. It was my mother Nancy who led me to the Lord. After I finished my undergraduate with science I enrolled to do my business and got a job in the army. So I took this letter to my pastor and he told me to pray about it and after a week I went back to him and told him that I do not have peace to go in the army, but have a desire to study at a Bible college and serve the Lord. This in turn took me to Bangalore and I studied there for 3 years. Even there as I was struggling God used my uncle Dr. Jacob Chelli and he said to me “Do not look back after once you have made a commitment to serve God.” It was from here the Lord burdened me to make Mumbai as our mission field. We got married in August 1981 and arrived to heavy rains in September for church planting ministry for only 3 years. God used us as pioneers to be instrumental in starting 13 churches. Today I am pastoring 3 churches by the help of my faculty. I saw the need in the city of Mumbai with the population of 17 million and today about 19 million population there was no Bible College to train preachers for the central part of India so The Lord burdened me to start CBBC. We started this in rented facilities and we went through much persecution. The college moved to 11 different locations in the span of 12 years. As the Psalmist says in Psalm 66:14 we went fire and through water but the Lord brought us to this beautiful place. All glory to my Heavenly Father who has used us with nothing in our hands to establish this great work. And I want to take this opportunity to thank each of our friends many who prayed for us and many who have given so graciously and supported us through their finances. May the name of our mighty God be glorified and continue to be with us as we keep on serving the Lord in training young men and young women for the ministry.

Dr. Johnson George

Vice President

A Praise Note from the Vice President

Congratulations, Calvary Baptist Bible College and Seminary for completing 25 years of faithful service unto the Lord!
I, too, am humbled as well as proud to be a small part in this ministry. I came to this college almost 10 years ago. From my first day on the CBBC campus until today, each day of my service has enabled me to grow “from faith to faith and grace upon grace.” It has been my joy to teach and train the young people from different parts of India. Seeing soulds saved and lives dedicated for the Lord’s service has been my greatest delight. Working as a team with Pastor Shekar and the faculty has been very enriching. Together, we have seen the Lord working on our behalf.
CBBC is firmly grounded on the Word of God. It is fundamental in its doctrine and evangelistic in its outlook. We are committed to teaching the Bible without any apologies or compromises. We oppose all kinds of humanistic philosophies and also combat the so- called liberal and new-orthodox positions. The ethical and practical approach to teaching the living Word of God is our emphasis and thrust. Our college also has a reputation for its strict discipline. We believe that without reasonable and necessary discipline, it is very hard to be a true and sincere disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to be loyal to the Lord Jesus Christ in all of our personal life and social relations.
My desire and prayer is that the Lord will continue to help us to train and equip many more students with the same passion and zeal.


Nathan Robert

Administrative Vice President

A Praise Note from The Administrative Vice President

Marvelous grace of our loving Lord. There is so much truth packed in this one sentence in an old song. If the ministry at Mumbai is successful at all, it is solely due to the marvelous grace of God.
As a beneficiary of this ministry I see the grace of God displayed in three specific ways. Firstly, the amazing miracle of regeneration that took place in my life and many others through the faithful teaching of God’s Word at Chembur Biblical Baptist Church. This is solely on the basis of His sovereign grace. Secondly, the consistent insistence on God’s Word as the authority for life and practice. God has really shown His grace by giving us leaders throughout the year who are committed to put some spiritual sweat into understanding the Word and lovingly communicating it regularly. This is also a testimony to His grace. Finally, God’s grace is displayed in the ministry at Mumbai by the faithfulness of men to the glory of God. The people that God placed into the ministry are committed wholly to glorifying God in public as well as in private. They have a sense of how awesome God. This is communicated through their teaching and actions. This is also a testimony to God’s grace. God’s grace is truly marvelous and I am in awe of Him. By God’s grace, due to the 33 years of faithful ministry there are many trophies of His sovereign grace that will enjoy Him forever. To Him be glory, honor, and praise forever.